The Mustard Seeds
0-5 years. We provide a space where parents with young children are welcome to take their children.
0-5 years. We provide a space where parents with young children are welcome to take their children.
6-10 years
11+ years
Holy Trinity Church Cannes offers Christian teaching to your child every Sunday of the year. About ten minutes into the main (10.30 am) church service, there is a short, fun Children’s Talk and the children then leave for their Sunday Club groups, which take place in several separate rooms directly attached to the main church. The children stay in these groups until the end of the service.
We strive to teach the children about the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere, so that they look forward to coming to church each Sunday. The lessons are taught in English, although most of our teachers and helpers speak French. Please feel free to talk to us about anything we could do to improve Sunday Club – we would love to hear your ideas. Please also do ask us about the Christian syllabus being taught.
Our church adheres to a Child Protection Policy, which is supported by the Diocese in Europe. All our teachers and helpers have undergone a ‘vetting’ procedure, as established by the Diocese (for more information see here). If you have any questions or concerns about Child Protection, please speak to the chaplain.
Holy Trinity’s safeguarding policy can be found on our website, just click here to read it.
Yes! On the last Sunday of every month, the children take an active part in the church service. They form part of the ‘Welcome Team’, read from the Bible and take up the collection. Five times a year, we also have an All-Age Service, where the talk is aimed specifically at the children.
At special times during the year, for example Christmas and Easter, the children participate in drama sketches, poetry recitals and singing. (If your child is able to play an instrument, we would be delighted to hear from you.)
We have lots of fun activities during the year. We’ve run several 5-Day Holiday Bible Clubs, with fun, games, singing and Bible teaching. Our Young Disciples meet monthly in term time – events have included bowling, quiz and cooking nights, all with Bible study as well.
Annually in September, we have an amazing family weekend away, with lots of activities and Christian teaching for the children.
Our Christmas Fair is always a very special occasion, with the children getting fully involved, running games, craft and bun stalls. There is also a great Christmas party for the children, too.
We are really interested in having your feedback or hearing your ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
So if you haven’t met us yet, come to Holy Trinity Church Cannes. We pray that it will be the start of a lifelong walk of faith for your child.
God bless you,
Claire Venon (Youth Co-ordinator)