Hello and welcome to our church, it’s always a real joy for us to meet visitors and have new members in our church family. Here you will find useful information about who we are and what we believe. Our mission is leading people, from whatever background or nationality, in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
In addition to our Sunday services, we run programmes which help us explore the Christian faith and deepen our relationship with God and his family. You’ll find out more by looking at our programmes and events pages.
The safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance to us, and we have therefore adopted the Safeguarding Policy of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. We are glad to have procedures in place to ensure appropriate protection and to manage any concerns that may arise, as well as ensuring that all persons (clergy, readers and volunteers) who work within our church with the young and the vulnerable are vetted and appropriately trained. Details of the policy can be viewed here.
Holy Trinity is a member of A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme, demonstrating that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. Read more about it here.
Holy Trinity Church, Cannes is an Anglican Church sponsored by the Intercontinental Church Society (ICS). We fulfil a vital role in and around Cannes, which has a large expatriate community and numerous visitors from many countries.
We are an active, alive church with a mixed congregation averaging approximately 150 people of all ages and backgrounds coming together to lift up on high the name of the Lord Jesus. We represent many different nations and denominations united in our love for and worship of Him.
Of course our activities are not confined to the church premises, or to Sunday mornings. We have an active programme of mid-week prayer groups, home groups and other activities, please see Christian learning.
09.00 Holy Communion
10.30 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion on alternate weeks, with Sunday Club for children
Holy Trinity Church,
2-4 avenue Général Ferrié,
06400 Cannes