Explore with us in the New Year

Explore with us in the New Year

In January we are running two courses to help you find out more about Jesus – his life, death and resurrection.

Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel in just three sessions. It shows that Christianity is about real hope, a joyful expectation for the future based on true events in the past which changes everything about my present. (Watch the trailer here) We invite you to participate via Zoom from your own home on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 pm.

  • 12 January: Hope
  • 19 January: Peace
  • 26 January: Purpose

Contact the church office for the zoom link or see the Cannes Opener.

Christianity Explored is a seven-week course (with one ‘day out’) discovering Jesus and his message in Mark’s Gospel. Mark’s book will be provided as part of the course and no prior knowledge is required! (Watch the trailer here.) This is an ‘in person’ event (heath rules permitting), starting on 6 January at Holy Trinity Cannes on Thursday afternoons at 3:00 pm.

Please note that these sessions are all in English!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Christianity Explored will run subject to the latest Covid guidance and restrictions. It will be helpful if you could let the church office know if you intend to come in case there have to be cancellations.
